Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rihanna: "Single life is so overrated" and I want to share my life

Rihanna says "single life is so overrated" and wishes she could find someone with whom to share experiences.

The Barbados-born recording artist, who just turned 24 last month, said on Britain's "The Jonathan Ross Show" she's not actively looking for a boyfriend but would "love to date somebody cool, fun, funny."

"Single life is so overrated," she said. "It sucks. I have such incredible experiences in my life. You don't want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone. That's what I'm missing right now."

Rihanna received some male attention on her trip to London, where she partied for four nights straight, People magazine reported Friday.

"Rihanna came into the club last Sunday and a stockbroker spent [$105,000] on champagne, just so he could meet her," a source inside the Aura nightclub in London told the magazine.

"It worked too, as he went over and said hello soon after," the source added. "But I don't think he'll be getting any friendship from Rihanna out of it, put it that way. She politely spoke to him but that was about it."

Source is

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rihanna and Chris Brown -- Danger! Heartbreak dead ahead?

"THE MUSICAL reconciliation of Rihanna and Chris Brown raises a welter of emotions: outrage, sadness, bewilderment, revulsion."

That's Rolling Stone writer Jody Rosen commenting on the new Rihanna/Chris Brown duet "Turn Up the Music." Need I remind you that Rihanna and Chris were dating several years ago, when he brutally beat her. The relationship ended, publicly. But all along, those close to Rihanna have said she "forgave" Chris a long time ago. And it was only pressure from women's groups and her fans that kept her from taking him back.

Now they are making music together again, and rumor has it that this is but the first step in an official personal resumption. Her friends and family worry, but she is an adult and will make her own choices.

Writer Rosen points out astutely that the reunion "is not merely ... evidence of crippling codependency, nor is it a morally obtuse publicity stunt. It's business as usual, consistent with the music that has made Rihanna a prolific hitmaker ... her songs explore the violence of sex and yes, the sexiness of violence."

On this song, it is Rihanna who is the dominant partner, but "The revenge is symbolic, of course. Unfortunately, symbolic victories are the only kind available to Rihanna -- evidently, they're the kind she cares most about."

Those who care about Rihanna hope that the writing about the couple will remain reviews and not news stories, with hospital dashes and mug shots.

THE SAME issue of Rolling Stone puts Whitney Houston on the cover. Titled "The Diva and Her Dark Side," the story doesn't tell us much we didn't already know or assume. However, there was a quote from Aretha Franklin that put me in mind of others who traveled Whitney's road. Speaking of Houston's last calamitous tour, Aretha comments, "She had lost the top range of her voice and some of the audiences were not very kind. But night after night, she stood there like a champion and gave her very best." When she hit a particularly strong note, Whitney would pause and say, "See, I'm not so bad!"

Shades of Judy Garland and Maria Callas, both of whom would, toward the end, acknowledge the rare soaring note, with a nod, a gesture -- and especially in Garland's case -- an outright proud remark. This is why audiences stayed faithful, hoping for that one blast of brilliance. And so it was with Whitney. Her core audience always rooted for her, supported her, and looked away (figuratively) on less-than-stellar performances.

The cover picture of Whitney is pretty but generic -- the young, hopeful girl. I wish Rolling Stone had used the dramatic, classic shot that appears inside the story. It is from 2009. Whitney, gorgeously dressed in white, is ascending a stage, backlit by a blazing spotlight. Her head is down, one hand grasps a microphone. It is a magnificent, dramatic moment, capturing the power of the diva and the vulnerability of the woman.

P.S. According to a source close to the investigation cited recently by E! Online, Whitney Houston's death will be officially declared an accident. I can't imagine how anybody could have thought otherwise. Whatever her issues, she certainly had no reason to take her own life. The advance word on her appearance in "Sparkle" was good. (We will see this final acting from Whitney in August. Maybe even sooner.) And, if we are to believe the rumor mill, Houston had made up her mind to try rehab again. She had promised her mother, Cissy. Alas, Whitney added, "But I want to have a little bit of fun, first."

ARRGGG....! Just when you thought her 15 minutes might be close to over, Snooki, "Jersey Shore's" pint-sized sex pistol, is rumored to be three months pregnant. This means years of Snooki and Child on the covers of InTouch, UsWeekly, etc. Blessings on her motherhood and all, but ... it makes me want to leave the country!

SPEAKING OF the infamous "15 minutes of fame," I spent a few moments last week wondering how the late Andy Warhol -- who coined the phrase -- would be faring in the 21st century? Andy died in 1987. He never lived to see the Internet, 24-hour cable news, the rise of reality TV and its spawn. Would he be horrified and feel somehow responsible? Would he have jumped right in and wallowed in the excess? Would he stand aside, commenting, or would he be more conservative in attitude. Many of us do become more conservative as we age. One pale eyebrow might be raised in surprise at what the 15 minutes had wrought.

I HAVE not yet expressed my dismay over the news that Judi Dench is suffering from macular degeneration. My prayers are with this magnificent actress and rare human being. Contrary to news reports, however, Dench reveals she is not going blind.

Miss Dench is currently filming "Skyfall," the latest Bond film with Daniel Craig. (What a brilliant idea it was to cast her as 007's boss, M., back when Pierce Brosnan was still in the saddle. Judi gives this previously pallid character bite and authority. In her outings with Daniel Craig, there is even a slight bit of sexual tension!) And soon fans of Judi -- and Maggie Smith -- will see them together in "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel."

MARILYN MONROE never visited France, but during her lifetime she was much admired by the French -- indeed she was far better regarded in Europe than in her own country. (She won the Italian and French equivalent of America's Oscar for "The Prince and the Showgirl.")

So, this year, Monroe has been chosen as the official "icon" of the annual Cannes Film Festival. Posters of Monroe, representing Cannes, will blanket Paris and the South of France. Interestingly, it is not one of Monroe's famous glamour shots. Rather it is a sweet candid picture of Marilyn seated in the backseat of a car, blowing out the candle of a birthday cake. Monroe had flown into Los Angeles from New York, and reporters and photographers presented her with the cake. She was 30.

Candid newsreel footage of that night shows a radiant star, hugging "all the guys." (Monroe preferred to deal with males in the press. "Women are always looking to see if you need a manicure!" she once said.)
Source is,0,3679985.story

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rihanna: I don't want to be a role model

Rihanna looks, well, glamorous, in her new Glamour cover girl shoot. (Unlike her much-skimpier outfit for a Carnival float in Barbados today!)

CAPTIONBy Ellen von Unwerth
The pop star says she likes to get attention with her sense of style. "Getting dressed, I want to pick the most bizarre pair of shorts so I can figure out how to make it look right, or work an outfit that will make people go, "What the hell is she wearing?"

On hating drama…and perfection: "I hate drama. But at the same time, nothing bothers me more than when life's perfect. And that's the sick part. I just love a challenge, whether it's a relationship, my career, clothing..."

On dealing with how messy life can get: "I think honesty is the ultimate liberation in life. People want to shy away from the truth and keep sweeping it under the rug. But after a while, you pick up the rug and there's just way too much dirt, so you might as well just be up front about it."

CAPTIONBy Ellen von Unwerth
On being a role model for young girls: "I want to set the right example and, at the same time, live my life….I feel like pop stars can't be rock stars anymore because they have to be role models, and it takes the fun out of it for us, because we just want to have fun with art."

On liking dominant guys in the bedroom: "I play a very dominant role in my life, in every aspect of it. And I like to feel like a lady still, at some point. I feel like that's the time when a guy really gets to be a man, and I get to be a woman. And if I'm being a man in the bedroom too, there's nothing really in it for me."

On her friendship with Katy Perry: "All my friends are guys, to be completely honest. But when I met her, it was such a breath of fresh air. I just couldn't believe this chick had no edit button….Katy and Lady Gaga came out of the gate exactly the way they think, the way they wanna dress, the way they wanna speak."

Source is

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rihanna starts work on new album

Rihanna has already started work on her next album.

The 'Umbrella' singer is already "closing up" recording on her sixth album according to Verse Simmonds, part of production duo The Jugganauts, who worked on her track 'Man Down', from her last alum 'Loud'.

He told MTV: "From what I understand, she is closing the album up now, and we did two records for her that she really, really loved and I'm really excited about them as well. They are records that we wrote and produced as the Jugganauts."

He added the track will have a different sound to 'Man Down', and that they are always trying to better themselves creatively.

Verse said: "It'll definitely not sound the same, because we always try, constantly - as producers, as artists - we try to always come with something different, a whole new sound."

It was rumoured earlier this year Rihanna was to work with Beyonce Knowles on a track, which could be included on her next album.

A source said: "Rihanna has wanted to work with Beyonce for some time now and, after talking about a duet at this year's Grammys, they have finally managed to set aside some time to record together."

Source is

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Nicki and Ricky for MAC. Rihanna headed to court

Kate Middleton's bridal gown was "a real feat of engineering," designer Sarah Burton says. Burton's comment comes in a film that is part of the Buckingham Palace display of the dress, shoes and earrings that Middleton -- now duchess of Cambridge -- wore when she married Britain's Prince William in April. Burton explains that the gown has a hidden bustle and weighted panels to ensure it "didn't collapse" when the duchess walked the aisle of Westminster Abbey.

Nicki Minaj, left, and Ricky Martin will be the new faces of MAC's 2012 VIVA GLAM campaign, the cosmetics company announced. Proceeds from MAC's VIVA GLAM products benefit the MAC AIDS Fund, which has reportedly raised $224 million to date with help from former celeb spokespeople such as Lady Gaga, Boy George, Elton John and Chloƫ Sevigny. [StyleList]

French beauty brand Clarins is teaming with Lauren Bush, co-founder of the FEED Projects, on a fundraiser that channels money from your beauty buys into meals for undernourished children around the world. Clarins and FEED collaborated on the “FEED 15″ pouch, a bag of three Clarins products available at Nordstrom for $30. Proceeds from the sale of each bag will provide 15 meals through the United Nations World Food Program. The plan is to sell enough to feed 1 million children in two years. [People]

Twenty-five California designers -- and we mean transplants as well as native Californians -- tell Vogue why they like it here. Reasons include geographic inspirations such as Big Sur, local artisans, Hollywood's costume archives and even the freeways! [Vogue]

Photographer David LaChappelle is suing Rihanna because scenes in her "S&M" video resemble some of his images. A court date has been set for August. [Cut]

Ralph Esmerian, one-time chairman of luxury jeweler Fred Leighton, was sentenced to six years in federal prison for fraud. Esmerian, who counted many celebrities among his clients, pleaded guilty to fraud charges in April. [WWD] (Subscription required)

Michael Kors' new jewelry collection hits stores in August, with gold cuffs, bangles, earrings, neckpieces and more that blend chain details, hardware and leather. The collection includes drop earrings for $65 and multichain necklaces for $350. Prices top out at $500. [Cut].

Pamela Anderson is getting back into the lingerie business after a seven-year hiatus. [WWD] (Subscription required.)

Plans are for Alexa Chung to host a new fashion show on the Lifetime channel. Working title: "24-hour Catwalk." [Telegraph]

Source is

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rihanna digs deep to find energy for tour’s last show

If nothing else, we know that Rihanna wasn’t lip-synching. That much became clear five songs into last night’s concert at the TD Garden, when she launched into Prince’s notorious “Darling Nikki.’’ She started to sing but quickly cracked up at her dancers’ writhing; by the time the song ended, she’d only been able to spit out about three lines total. She missed some lines two songs later, during the funk kick of “Let Me.’’

Whether it explains those lapses or not, the fact that it was the final night of Rihanna’s tour was probably responsible for another issue gnawing at her performance: her lack of energy.

It certainly wasn’t a matter of listlessness, as she covered the stage (occasionally navigating a hidden moving sidewalk) like a pro during “Disturbia’’ and “Shut Up And Drive.’’ But it seemed as though she was constantly pushing, unlike the confident power that she brought to the Comcast Center last summer.

Maybe as a result, Rihanna was strongest on the slower numbers.

Her wounded pleading on “Take A Bow’’ closed out the main set, and she began the encore splayed out on a grand piano raised above the stage singing “Love The Way You Lie.’’

And she killed on power ballad par excellence “California King Bed’’ as sparks rained from the ceiling and Boston boy Nuno Bettencourt delivered an appropriately big guitar solo.

But there were other things on her mind, as evidenced by the hard-and-dirty-sex mini-set kicked off by “Nikki.’’ With chains attached to her wrist and ankle as disembodied hands groped her from beneath her riser, “S&M’’ already seemed like a parody of itself even before her dancers began swatting her with pillows and a cushion shaped like a phallus.

While that was cartoon sex, the slow, hard grind of “Skin’’ was far more convincing, up to and including the audience member Rihanna brought on stage to gyrate with.

She was the one who came to the crowd on another Prince song, “Glamorous Life.’’ Banging on timbales, she proved that she was no Sheila E.

For the rest of the show, it seemed she was barely holding on to being Rihanna.

J. Cole had some big shoes to fill - original opener Cee-Lo Green dropped out of the tour earlier - but he was genial and gracious in the role of the soulful, lovelorn rapper.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse Remembered By Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, More

'RIP Amy Winehouse. May she finally find peace,' Perry writes. 'I am genuinely heartbroken about this,' Rihanna tweets.

As news spread that 27-year-old Amy Winehouse was dead, stars immediately tweeted their shocked reactions and remorse over the lost talent.

Katy Perry, who touches down in Boise, Idaho, this weekend as part of her California Dreams Tour, tweeted her condolences, writing, "RIP Amy Winehouse. May she finally find peace."

Nicki Minaj, who is also on the road as part of Britney Spears' Femme Fatale jaunt, took to Twitter and expressed disbelief at the news of Winehouse's passing. "Please tell me Amy Winehouse didn't die," wrote the Young Money MC, who's set to hit the stage in Florida on Saturday (July 23). "Is this some sick joke?"

"I am genuinely heartbroken about this," wrote Rihanna, who continued to express her shock over multiple tweets. "Dear God have mercy!!! I am SICK about this right now!" In another, she wrote "U made a MAJAH impression on this industry and throughout the world, in such a short space of time...too short!"

Usher reflected on Winehouse, who he had known: "I'm so sad to hear the horrible news of Amy Winehouse's death. I'm so happy I knew you Amy...Rest Well. Gone Too Soon...we'll miss you!!""

Frequent tweeter Kim Kardashian used her 140 characters to send prayers: "I just heard the news that Amy Winehouse passed away. What a true talent. I pray she's in a better place & at peace."

Meanwhile, Ryan Seacrest showed Winehouse's impact on the music industry, singling out both Lady Gaga and Adele as those who had been influenced. "Sad to lose Amy Winehouse - incred talent. Both @LadyGaga & @OfficialAdele say Amy paved way for them."

Dr. Drew focused on the singer's well-documented struggles with addiction. "SO sad, another lost to addiction. A reminder this is often a fatal condition. Recovery is possible, but sadly not for Amy Winehouse."

Winehouse's American record label, Universal Republic, said in a statement: "We are deeply saddened at the sudden loss of such a gifted musician, artist and performer. Our prayers go out to Amy's family, friends and fans at this difficult time."

Many More Stars Are Reacting. Check Back To See Who Else Has Weighed In:

Leann Rimes: "RIP Amy Winehouse. So sad to see such a talent gone and her life end in tragedy. This makes me terribly sad."

Khloe Kardashian: "Wow! I just heard about Amy Winehouse passing away! Wow! So sad :( what an amazing talent"

Ashton Kutcher: "Rip amy winehouse"

Big Boi: "Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and now Amy Winehouse. All died aged 27. RIP to you all."

Kelly Osbourne: "i cant even breath right my now im crying so hard i just lost 1 of my best friends. i love you forever Amy & will never forget the real you!"

Rick Ross: "Wanted to collab w/ Amy Winehouse...r.i.p...smoking 1 in your memoryyy!!"

Janelle Monae: "heart is heavy. My heart goes out 2 Amy Winehouse's family, loved ones. Praying for their strength during this time."

Ricky Martin: "I just found out. I feel pain. I feel anger. Rest beautiful girl rest. You are free!"

Cee Lo: "Is it true about amy?"

Victoria Justice: "I'm so sad about the #amywinehouse news I heard this morning. She was 1 of my favorite artists. What a sad story, she was such a talent..."

Randy Jackson: "Wow what a tragic loss today in the music world, Amy Winehouse such a talent. She will be missed"

Kreayshawn: "I said she was a TIMELESS artist and a real artist because of her struggle. I'm so upset I love her! RIP Amy Winehouse"

Source is