Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rihanna: "Single life is so overrated" and I want to share my life

Rihanna says "single life is so overrated" and wishes she could find someone with whom to share experiences.

The Barbados-born recording artist, who just turned 24 last month, said on Britain's "The Jonathan Ross Show" she's not actively looking for a boyfriend but would "love to date somebody cool, fun, funny."

"Single life is so overrated," she said. "It sucks. I have such incredible experiences in my life. You don't want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone. That's what I'm missing right now."

Rihanna received some male attention on her trip to London, where she partied for four nights straight, People magazine reported Friday.

"Rihanna came into the club last Sunday and a stockbroker spent [$105,000] on champagne, just so he could meet her," a source inside the Aura nightclub in London told the magazine.

"It worked too, as he went over and said hello soon after," the source added. "But I don't think he'll be getting any friendship from Rihanna out of it, put it that way. She politely spoke to him but that was about it."

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