Monday, July 18, 2011

Rihanna Dethrones Lady Gaga on Facebook

Lady Gaga may be the highest-earning, top-selling and best-known woman in popular music today, but Rihanna has more "Likes" on Facebook.

This week, Rihanna accumulated enough Facebook fans to surpass Gaga and claim the throne as the platform's top ranking female celebrity.

According to their Facebook stats, as of Saturday, Rihanna had 40,699,853 likes, and Lady Gaga had 40,611,908, giving RiRi a slight lead.

Of course, Gaga has her by close to five million fans on Twitter, so Rihanna can't lay claim to being the queen of all social media just yet.

Shakira is the diva with the third most Facebook followers. Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Shakira hold the No. 5, 6, and 8 positions overall.

Three men make the top 10: Eminem (No. 3, 43,367,713 likes), Michael Jackson (No. 7, 38,069,882), and Justin Bieber (No. 10, 33,035,903).

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