Friday, July 15, 2011

Rihanna Tops Lady Gaga As Most Popular Woman On Facebook

Rihanna tops Facebook
Facebook has a new queen: According to, a social media statistics service, Rihanna passed Lady Gaga in total fans sometime around 12 P.M. EST on Thursday, July 14th.

With roughly 40,516,728 fans as of this writing, Rihanna's new accolade brings her one placement closer to the Facebook fan champ, hip-hop artist Eminem, whose page has been 'liked' an impressive 43,225,888 times. For some perspective, Rihanna had just over 5,000 Facebook fans one year ago.

She's come this far, will Rihanna make it all the way to the top? Apparently, not without a fight. In response to the news, Lady Gaga fans took to the Twittersphere, demanding that people, "unlike Rihanna on Facebook".

Last week, Rihanna became the 13th person in history to attain 6 million Twitter followers. For comparison, Lady Gaga is approaching 12 million Twitter followers.

Check out Fame Count and All Facebook Stats to stay up to date on the latest fan rankings, and tell us in the comments below whether you think Rihanna can hold off Lady Gaga and achieve ultimate social network stardom.

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