Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rihanna's ex-boyfriend Matt Kemp says they are still friends

Rihanna’s ex-boyfriend, Dodgers player Matt Kemp, says even though dating someone in the public eye brought “a lot of attention” to their relationship, they have remained friends.

The 26-year-old baseball star, who split from the singer last December after an 11-month romance, said Wednesday night at the ESPY Awards in downtown Los Angeles that they are still supportive of each other, reports US Weekly.
"There's no bad blood between us. We've all got busy lives and we're working on our careers and concentrating on our careers. Like I said, I wish her all the best of luck and she wishes me all the best of luck."
It was reported that Kemp and the “Man Down” singer, who is currently on a seven-month world tour to promote her latest album “Loud,” were struggling to find the time to see each other.
Rihanna has admitted they were feeling the pressure of making a long distance romance work.
During an interview with BBC Radio in London, the 23-year-old beauty revealed that finding time to be together was difficult because "we both have very demanding schedules.”
"I'm in love and I'm very happy but we have only been dating for a few months so no wedding for now. We are taking it easy," she said.
While there may never be wedding bells for the two, Kemp said he’s not giving up on love.
"It doesn't matter if they're famous or not, as long as they have a good heart and a good head on her shoulders."

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